Strategic Globalisation
Create your choice Value Chain
Select specialty domain for brand affiliation privileges
Develop and activate domain for eConsortium recognition.
For who?
Subscribers of Registry and Partners Plan as Members Partners.
Digitalisation Growth
Create a value chain with choice domain name for brand affiliation. Qcircle hosts a chain of interconnected rich keyword domain names ready for members to re-position themselves within the eConsortium and for collaborative outreach worldwide.
Brand Affiliation is a unique privilege for all Members Partners.There are hundreds of branded domains with business content available as choices to suit your personal and specialisation interest. Members apply /select a domain brand to become part of Qcircle and its digitalisation growth process.
Virtual to reality. Develop allocated domain template and activate for eConsortium recognition and reward.
Domain Brand Affiliation and Sub Domain Activation
Members Partners will be affiliated to a specialty knowledge domain and an appropriate sub-domain for development. Example of allocated identification link, or
Members Partners who hold a Strategic Global Ready Award and completed a Enterprise Transformation program are eligible to self activate the allocated sub-domain brand. Alternatively, Members Partners may subscribe to an Aided development and Activation mode to complete the implementation process.

Subscribe to a Members Partners Plan for a specialty domain based on your competency.
Apply a domain brand to suit your profession or business interest. Be transformed to enterprise @ Qcircle.
Select sub domain by specialisation template for a directed development of the allocated domain.

Subscribe to Enterprise Transformation Pack to develop your allocated domain.
Develop allocated sub domain
to enhance delivery of your
core competencies with
Qcircle Apps.
Select SGM Application
Model for integrative
development and

Select a mode to activate your domain for eConsortium recognition worldwide.
Self -activation for holders of Strategic Global Ready Award and/or completion of a directed internship program OR
Aided development and activation by Qcircle SGM Applicator / Professional for direct upgrade to a Registry Plan.