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Create your own job and business
Digital Innovation Plan Work anytime and anywhere. Full-time or part-time. Flexible or parallel career and business option for all.
Job and Business Creation Reward
For who?
For all who are desirious to be part of Qcircle and its growth process.
Digitalisation Plan
Innovate to create a job or business at the eConsortium. The platform provides you the space to develop new digital growth opportunities. You enhance your core competencies and potential with a Consortium Plan. The plan allocates privileges and reward. Participants have a choice of knowledge domain and specialty portal to jump start their entrepreneurial endeavour and to advance to create a value chain at the eConsortium at their own pace.
Immediate Affiliate Opportunities. Create a job at the eConsortium now.
Find your interest here.
- Affiliate @ Qcircle.
- Choice of flexi-job and career advancement
- Affiliate Plan for Privileges and Financial Return
- Associate @ Qcircle.
- Choice of professional development and job specialisation.
- Associate Plan for Privileges and Financial Return.
- Registry @ Qcircle.
- Choice of specialty and regional business host development.
- Registry Privileges and Plan for return of investment.
- Advancement to Partners @ Qcircle.
- Creation of digital value chain by specialty knowledge.
- Partners Privileges and Plan for return of investment.