Enterprise Qcircle | Job and Business Worldwide
Select Consortium Plan
The Plan allocates business privileges and rewards. A trusted eCommerce enabled Consortium for intra-business development and exchanges.
Get Privileges and Reward
You create a job or profession when you subscribe to an Affiliate or Associate Plan. You can also create a new business or enhance your existing business performance with a Corporate Plan.

- For holders of Competency Award.
- Create a job
or career. - Progression
- Affiliate Privileges
and Program
Plan for financial
returns. - Flexible career or parrallel jobbing opportunities.

- For holders of Certification Award.
- Create a profession, by specialisation.
- Progression
- Associate Privileges
and Program
Plan for financial
return. - Inter-disciplinary and trans-business opportunities

- For holders of Globalisation Award.
- Create a business, by specialty interest.
- Progression
- Corporate Privileges
and Financial
Plan for return
of investment. - Value added business and enhancement opportunities

- For established individuals or institutions.
- Create Value Chain by specialty brand.
- Progression
- Shared eCommerce Consortium Ecosystem for strategic globalisation with mutual business return.
- Digital brand and strategic collaboration opportunities.